Bee Garden Blend

Price $ 4.99
Prices excluding sales tax
  • Quantity
4 units in stock

Bee Garden Blend

Price $ 4.99
Prices excluding sales tax
  • Quantity
4 units in stock
Bee Garden Blend
Bee Garden Blend
Price $ 4.99
Prices excluding sales tax
Bees and flowering plants evolved together millions of years ago. Although bees face many challenges in this age of global climate change, the simple act of sowing the seeds of plants that bees and other pollinators love to forage on is a critically important step in helping to ensure they--and the whole planet--have a future. The Bee Garden Blend wildflower seeds are specially blended by our Certified Bee Master for use in managed landscapes such as disused laneways; verges; or along the edges of cultivated areas in residential or agricultural properties.

Recommended rate of application: 115g per 1,000 square feet.

All orders can be picked up at our garden center in Maple Ridge.

Also, we are happy to deliver your orders across the Lower Mainland, BC

You can pay securely online by Paypal or credit card via Paypal. 


You can visit our store in Vancouver, BC:

Triple Tree Nurseryland
20503 Lougheed Highway
Maple Ridge, BC V2X 2P9


Are you looking for Bee Garden Blend? Triple Tree Nurseryland is based in Maple Ridge, BC near Vancouver. We stock Bee Garden Blend and many more products in our garden centre. Why don't you visit us at 20503 Lougheed Hwy, Maple Ridge, BC to learn more?